We’ll have a new study called “Epic of Eden” The study will look at the story of God’s redeeming grace in the Old Testament and help us to understand Jesus and the story of the New Testament more clearly. This is a 12-week journey! Wednesdays at 6:30 PM in the chapel.
A new Bible study for women will begin on Wednesday night at 6:30 in the Allen Cowan Sunday School classroom. The book is entitled “The No-Homework Women’s Bible Study: Group Hug VII. The book contains 8 different topics.
Beginning Sept. 1st (every two weeks), it will be on Sundays from 5-6:30 pm at the home of David and Megan Davis. If you are interested, call or text Clint at (334) 805-6390
All scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, so that everyone who belongs to God may be proficient, equipped for every good work.
— 2 Timothy 3:16-17
First Methodist Church, Tallassee seeks to connect adults to the Word of God and to one another, engaging them in the life of our congregation and in ministry to others. We provide a number of opportunities for adults to become involved in small group and Bible study, fellowship, and outreach.
Adult Sunday School Classes
Sunday mornings at 10 am
Circle 360 Sunday School Class
meets in Fellowship Hall
A Our newest Sunday School class is welcoming and informal, and includes adults of all ages, from young couples in their 20’s to seniors 70+. This class typically follows a video curriculum, featuring various contemporary church leaders, such as Matt Chandler and Craig Groeschel. After watching a 10-15 minute video segment, prompt questions help initiate a time of discussion and sharing, and whether you choose to share a lot or a little, your voice is heard and appreciated. We are currently meeting in the Tallassee Mission House, next door to the church, at 3 Jordan Avenue.

room 306
A rotating series of teachers each lead lessons based on the Annual Conference’s curriculum and the accompanying commentaries of Dr. Hunter Pugh online. Discussion and sharing follow afterwards, and members routinely pray together for one another, for other church members, and for friends & family. This group is friendly and diverse in age, and it has instituted the “Allen Cowan Bible” ministry, whereby Bibles are passed out to every 3rd and 8th grader in our Tallassee school system.
Julia Burton Class
room 305
A warm, welcoming fellowship of believers, class members use church literature as the basis of their lecture-style lessons, through which they delve deeply into the Word each week. They also support the church’s ministries and care for one another. Meeting in person and via Zoom.
Men’s Class
room 202
The Merton Robertson class is an adult male class dedicated to learning about the Scriptures in a group setting, with a spirited discussion of the assigned Scripture each week. They also find ample time for fellowship and talk about all things of interest to men! Meeting in person.
Wednesday Nights Food & Fellowship
6 pm – meal served
6:30 pm – small groups
Fellowship Hall
Wednesday Nights are when we come together as a church body to share a free meal and enjoy one another’s company in Christian Fellowship! Afterwards, from 6:30 to 7:15 pm, we hope you’ll stay and join one of several small groups. Children and Youth also meet during this time.

Other Opportunities for Small-Group Fellowship
Crafty Christians
first and third Mondays of the month at 1 pm, Fellowship Hall
Do you enjoy quilting, sewing, crocheting, knitting, or other handicrafts? If so, you’ll fit right in with this charming group of ladies who enjoy fellowship with one another while working on their latest projects. Many of these projects are for those in need, such as prayer shawls or baby blankets.

Estelle Lockwood Ladies’ Circle
first Monday of the month at 10 am, Fellowship Hall
Join this charming group of ladies for an informal devotional, followed by refreshments and socializing, as they discuss mission or other projects they plan to take on in the coming months.
Beading Class
every Tuesday of the month at 9 am, Fellowship Hall
Join this group of ladies that makes Chrismons for our church trees. Chrismons, meaning “Christ monograms,” traditionally are white and gold designs made from Christian symbols that signify Christ.
Methodist Men (Men’s Club)
most second Sundays of the month at 7:15 am, Fellowship Hall
This group of men meets for breakfast, a program, and fellowship the second Sunday of most months. The Men’s Club hosts monthly Friday morning breakfasts for high school football players, helps support our Scouting groups, raises funds for missions. All men in the church are invited to join them!
If you are interested in participating in a handbell choir, singing with our Chancel Choir, or if you are able to play an instrument, we hope you will share your talents with us and serve in worship! Contact our Encounter Worship leader, Jordan Cunningham, to share your gifts in the 8:50 am service, or our Chancel Choir Director, Jerry Cunningham, for more info about serving at the 11 am service.