Each of you should use whatever gift you received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.
— 1 Peter 4:10
Serving others is a large part of what our members do, whether it is bringing Christ’s love and His Good News to others in mission work abroad or being Christ’s hands and feet, helping those in need in our community.  God has given each of us gifts to use in His service, as well as having blessed us richly; we believe it is His will that we should use those gifts to bless others and invite them to share in His kingdom.
Christmas Presents for The Learning Tree
Every year we receive “wish lists” from children who are residents at The Learning Tree, a facility for teaching and housing kids with autism.  Volunteers purchase items on the lists to help fulfill these children’s Christmas wishes.
Food and Toys for ACTS
Our local partner, the Association of Christians in Tallassee for Service (ACTS), collects food year-round from area churches, including ours, to stock its food pantry.  At Christmas, we help provide donations toward their Christmas food baskets, and donate new toys that ACTS distributes to local children in need.
Alabama Rural Ministries Mission Trip
Most years our youth and adult volunteers participate in a mission trip locally with Alabama Rural Ministries (ARM).  During these trips, participants help with housing construction projects, Vacation Bible School, and spend time together in prayer and Bible study.
Local Assistance
A special collection taken up once a month during communion goes to our Minister’s Discretionary Fund, which assists residents in need in our community.
Global or Outreach Missions
Ecuador Mission Trip
Every year or two, FMC Tallassee partners with Servants in Faith and Technology (SIFAT) to send a mission team to Ecuador. This week-long trip sees team members helping with construction, teaching Vacation Bible School to children, conducting home visits, and spreading the love of Christ to all they meet. The Ecuador trip has been a life-changing experience for all involved, as they both bless those they serve, and are themselves blessed in return.
Compassion International
Our Children’s Ministry currently sponsors Kelly, a young girl in Ecuador, through Compassion International. Our support helps provide Kelly with a good-quality education, access to proper nutrition, and will help teach her about the Gospel and love of Jesus.
Operation Christmas Child
Children and adults alike enjoy helping to put together shoeboxes filled with small gifts and toys, destined for children living abroad.  This Christmas ministry of Samaritan’s Purse distributes completed shoeboxes to children all over the world who may not experience the love of Jesus or hear His message of salvation any other way.
Embrace Alabama Kids-White Christmas
Around Christmas time, our congregation takes up a special collection to help the Embrace Alabama Kids continue to provide excellent care and services to the troubled, orphaned, and fostered children they serve.