Mar 24, 2024
Altar’d: “At What Cost?”
Series: Altar'd
1 Chronicles 21:18-26
When David buys a threshing floor in order to worship the Lord, he refuses to receive it for free, because he recognizes that he needs to sacrifice a portion of his personal wealth to honor God. Otherwise, his worship will be cheap and his service meaningless.
God's grace is free, but it is also costly, because it calls us to follow Jesus Christ. It is costly because it costs us our lives, and because it condemns our sin, and above all, it is costly because it cost God the life of his Son.
  • Mar 24, 2024Altar’d: “At What Cost?”
    Mar 24, 2024
    Altar’d: “At What Cost?”
    Series: Altar'd
    1 Chronicles 21:18-26
    When David buys a threshing floor in order to worship the Lord, he refuses to receive it for free, because he recognizes that he needs to sacrifice a portion of his personal wealth to honor God. Otherwise, his worship will be cheap and his service meaningless.
    God's grace is free, but it is also costly, because it calls us to follow Jesus Christ. It is costly because it costs us our lives, and because it condemns our sin, and above all, it is costly because it cost God the life of his Son.
  • Mar 17, 2024Altar’d: “A Time of Renewal”
    Mar 17, 2024
    Altar’d: “A Time of Renewal”
    Series: Altar'd
    Joshua 8:30–35
    We need times of renewal for our commitments. After their delivery from slavery in Egypt, God made a covenant with the people of Israel at Mt. Sinai. As the people were entering the promised land, Moses led them in a time o f remembrance and renewal of that covenant, and instructed them to do it again once they had entered the land, which Joshua led them to do in Joshua 8.  What does this mean for us? The commitment we make in one season of life isn’t sufficient for another season of life. Every season and every stage in life forces us to ask the question again, “Is Jesus still Lord here and now?” And if we don’t intentionally renew our embrace of the Lordship of Jesus in the context of our changed circumstances, it is so easy to drift into an abandonment of the promises that we made to Jesus and to the commitment that we offered up to Him.
  • Feb 25, 2024Altar’d: “Surrender It All”
    Feb 25, 2024
    Altar’d: “Surrender It All”
    Series: Altar'd
    Genesis 22:1-9
    Are we willing to commit to the Lord only when it's conditional, when it's convenient, or when it's on our own terms? In the account of Abraham being called to offer Isaac, Abraham was called to commit every part of his life, wherever it may lead. But Abraham trusted the Lord, and experienced the power and blessing of God.
    Trust in God enables us to both surrender fully to God and also to experience the presence and grace of God in a powerful way.
  • Feb 18, 2024Altar’d: “Making Space to Surrender”
    Feb 18, 2024
    Altar’d: “Making Space to Surrender”
    Series: Altar'd
    Genesis 8:15-20
    After being closed up in the ark for a year, when Noah was able to leave, the first thing that he did was to build an altar. To face a new life required making space and surrendering to the Lord. Lent is a season to find out what is most important to us, and to seek Jesus alone; therefore it's a season to surrender ourselves to Christ and to do that, we have to make space in our lives to pursue him.