Aug 18, 2024
Summer in the Psalms – “Whom Do We Trust?”
By: Clint McBroom
Series: Summer in the Psalms
Psalm 121
Psalm 121 was a psalm for pilgrims making the ascent of the mountains of Judah as they travel to Jerusalem for worship. The journey was dangerous, and along the road, the people met threats, most of which they could not see or predict. So, they felt fragile, vulnerable, unsafe.
When life looks terrifying to us, we can remember that the Lord can keep us, because there’s nothing God cannot do.
- Aug 18, 2024Summer in the Psalms – “Whom Do We Trust?”
Aug 18, 2024Summer in the Psalms – “Whom Do We Trust?”By: Clint McBroomSeries: Summer in the PsalmsPsalm 121Psalm 121 was a psalm for pilgrims making the ascent of the mountains of Judah as they travel to Jerusalem for worship. The journey was dangerous, and along the road, the people met threats, most of which they could not see or predict. So, they felt fragile, vulnerable, unsafe.When life looks terrifying to us, we can remember that the Lord can keep us, because there’s nothing God cannot do.
- Aug 11, 2024Summer in the Psalms – “The Anatomy of Integrity”
Aug 11, 2024Summer in the Psalms – “The Anatomy of Integrity”By: Clint McBroomSeries: Summer in the PsalmsPsalm 101Psalm 101 helps us think through what integrity truly means for a follower of Christ. Is it moral perfection? Is it merely a result of our own effort and strivings? The truth is that only by relying on the grace and love of Jesus can we lead lives of integrity.
- Aug 4, 2024Summer in the Psalms – “God’s Security”
Aug 4, 2024Summer in the Psalms – “God’s Security”By: Clint McBroomSeries: Summer in the PsalmsPsalm 91God never promises to keep His children from trouble, rather God promises to use His power to keep His children in the midst of trouble.
- Jul 28, 2024Summer in the Psalms – “The Best Kind of Longing”
Jul 28, 2024Summer in the Psalms – “The Best Kind of Longing”By: Clint McBroomSeries: Summer in the PsalmsPsalm 84Have you ever been somewhere that you had a hard time leaving? Psalm 84 expresses a deep longing to encounter God in the temple, and encourages us to re-center our lives on seeking God.
- Jul 21, 2024Summer in the Psalms – “Envy and Hope”
Jul 21, 2024Summer in the Psalms – “Envy and Hope”By: Clint McBroomSeries: Summer in the PsalmsPsalm 73Asaph (the author of this psalm) battles a common temptation: the temptation of comparison. He sees the lives of those who don't care anything about God and about God's ways, and they seem to be doing just fine. He envies them and is discouraged when it comes to his own pursuit of God. But in a time of worship, God gives him an eternal perspective, and sees that the light of eternity, God cares for His people, and will bring them to glory.
- Jul 14, 2024Summer in the Psalms – “Thirsting For God”
Jul 14, 2024Summer in the Psalms – “Thirsting For God”By: Clint McBroomSeries: Summer in the PsalmsPsalm 63We live our lives longing for all kinds of things, and trying to fulfill those longings by pursuing them, but in the end the only thing that fulfills our longings is the love and presence of God, because God created us for Himself. In Psalm 63 we find David expressing how God's presence meant more to him than anything else in the world.
- Jul 7, 2024Summer in the Psalms – “Changing Gravity”
Jul 7, 2024Summer in the Psalms – “Changing Gravity”By: Clint McBroomSeries: Summer in the PsalmsPsalm 32Psalm 32, one of the Psalter's penitential psalms, shows us that following Jesus is more than just managing our sin, it is moving from being captivated by the gravity of sin to being captivated by the gravity of God's love.
- Jun 30, 2024Summer in the Psalms, Part 6 – “God’s Majesty and Ours”
Jun 30, 2024Summer in the Psalms, Part 6 – “God’s Majesty and Ours”By: Clint McBroomSeries: Summer in the PsalmsPsalm 8The universe reveals God’s glory, and God cares for us because he has made us in his image and given us the world he created to care for as his stewards.
- Jun 23, 2024Summer in the Psalms, Part 5 – “How Long, O Lord?”
Jun 23, 2024Summer in the Psalms, Part 5 – “How Long, O Lord?”By: Clint McBroomSeries: Summer in the PsalmsPsalm 13One of the first laments in the Psalter, Psalm 13 reminds us that the way we are sustained in times of despair and trouble is that we stir up and cultivate the memories of what God has done both in our lives, and in the lives of others. There are indications from Jesus' last words on the cross that Jesus himself did this during His passion, and that it enabled Jesus to be obedient throughout that painful trial.
- Jun 16, 2024Summer in the Psalms, Part 4 – “Who Gets To Be With God?”
Jun 16, 2024Summer in the Psalms, Part 4 – “Who Gets To Be With God?”By: Clint McBroomSeries: Summer in the PsalmsPsalm 15Psalm 15 asks what may be the most important question we could ever ask: Who can live in the presence of God? What does it require? The answer reminds us that there really is a great gulf between humanity and God, and we're led to see in a new way how much we need to hear and respond to the gospel.